
The Workshop will take place on May 29th and 29th. 2018 at the University of Pavia, Palazzo Centrale, Corso Strada Nuova 65, Pavia. The presentations will be hosted by the fascinating Aula Foscolo.


Some suggestions for your accommodation follow. Please note the conference will take place in the city centre, whereas the Google Earth Engine workshop will be at the Engineering Campus, NW end of the town.

Luxury (>150 EUR/night)

Regular (around 100 EUR/night)

  • Hotel Aurora - next to the train station and close to the city centre
  • Hotel Excelsior - next to the train station and close to the city centre
  • Hotel Rosengarten - centre and Engineering campus both reachable on foot (mention the workshop while placing your booking - there may be discounts available)

Budget (below 100 EUR/night )

  • Mood-Siro Comi * - city centre, very close to the conference site
  • Mood Villa Glori * - city centre

* both can be booked only through hotel booking websites